This page may be used to automatically upload a new Call to Worship PDF file to the parish web site and send out an SHC Email Alert to those parishioners who registered to receive notifications when new Call to Worship messages are made available. If there are any questions or problems, please email the webmaster.

1. Enter the date that the Call to Worship was delivered in mm/dd/yyyy format (for regular weekend masses, use Sunday as the date):
2. Click the Browse button to find the Call to Worship PDF file on your computer that you wish to upload.
3. Choose whether to send an email alert to those registered to receive them for this upload. (Always choose ‘Send email alert’ unless you are making corrections to a previously uploaded PDF file and wish to avoid sending multiple alerts.)
4. Enter the upload password:
5. Double check the date above, then click “Submit” only once to upload the document. Note that after hitting Submit, it may take up to several minutes to upload the document depending upon its size. Please do not touch your browser during this time until the operation completes.