“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we, in turn, may be of comfort others in their need.”

That is the foundation of the Extend-A-Hand Committee—to provide comfort, help and compassion to fellow parishioners and their family members when they experience the death of a loved one.

Many families would like to arrange for a reception following the funeral of a loved one. Often these families are from out-of-town or are simply unable to arrange for a reception for another reason. The Extend-A-Hand Committee will arrange receptions in the church hall following funeral masses. We order the food and drinks, set up the room, make sandwiches, etc., and bake desert items. After the reception, we clean up the hall and kitchen. This is all done with loving care and provides needed assistance to grieving family members who are often too busy or too distraught to make these arrangements themselves.

Need often cannot be anticipated, so arrangements must be made within a very few days. Those who participate in this ministry are generous and flexible with their time.

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