Young Adult Formation in Catholic Social Teaching

What would happen to us if we really tried to live the Gospel! Imagine walking in the footsteps of Jesus today. Where would we go, who would we know, and how would we grow?

JusticeWalking® is a unique “prophet-raising” process that brings high school juniors and seniors into small community with adults. Over the course of twelve sessions “J-Walkers” dialogue, reflect and experiment with Gospel-living and practicing Catholic Social Teaching.

The process takes place over a period of 3-6 months, allowing each group to set their own schedule. In addition to twelve weekly or bi-weekly sessions, J-Walkers commit to 2 retreat days and a weekend justice pilgrimage. Each group “adopts” a local social service agency and, throughout the JusticeWalking process, attends six meetings at the chosen agency. J-Walking also includes a public dialogue at which J-Walkers offer creative presentations to their families, friends and parishioners.

This “life altering” faith experience helps young adults live the teachings of Jesus.

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Forms and Documents

J-Walking Brochure