“I will sing to the Lord all my life; as long as I live I will sing praises to my God.
May He be pleased with my song, for my gladness comes from Him.”
—Psalms 100:33-34
Because sacred music gives glory and praise to God, it has been an integral part of the life of the Church from the very beginning. One of the many vibrant ministries at Midd-South Catholic is our Music Ministry. Music brings life and vitality to our liturgies, inviting and engaging parishioners into full and active participation during our time of worship. Music has the power of moving people to tears, to joy, to contemplation and to communion with one another and with our God. The choirs of Midd-South Catholic embrace all those with the calling to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Voices young and old, meek and strong come together as one to lead our community of faith in song during liturgical worship and meditation.

Our groups include a Youth Choir from First Communion age (2nd grade) through High School age, the Adult Choir welcomes any confirmed adults, young and old that enjoy leading the assembly in our weekend liturgy and the Resurrection Choir whose purpose is to offer comfort and support through music to those grieving their deceased loved ones at our Rite of Christian Burial services.

The Youth Choir sings at the 11 am liturgy on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, and rehearsals are every Sunday following the 11 am liturgy from 12 – 1pm.

The Adult Choir sings on a rotation schedule, singing the 9am mass the first two Sundays of the month, the 11am on the third Sunday and the 5pm Saturday Vigil Mass on the 4th Saturday of the month. The Adult and Youth Choirs participate in our annual Lessons and Carols service the 3rd Sunday of Advent, and the Adult Choir offers prayerful and reflective music at our annual Faith Reflection Service held every Palm Sunday. The Adult Choir meets for weekly rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm. The season runs Sept. through June.

The Resurrection Choir is a group of singers, who freely volunteer their time to sing at morning funeral liturgies. There is no obligation to sing at every funeral, and membership is open year-round.

The latest addition to the Music Ministry is the popular Rely On Christ (ROC) Mass. The ROC Band Mass is held at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass on the first Saturday of the month. This new electric liturgy, appealing to teens and young adults is alive with the sound of electric guitars, bass, drums, piano, and other instruments featuring popular Christian rock music. Teenage and young adult singers help lead the music during this lively liturgy. The homilies are directed to the age group. Teens and young adults are also welcome to join in liturgical roles such as readers, ushers, and greeters.

The Music Ministry is a very active part of our worshiping community at Midd-South Catholic, and we look forward to welcoming your voice into our joyful noise!

Please contact for more information:
Tim Smith: tsmith@mscatholic.org
Allan Dabkowski: adabkowski@mscatholic.org

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